Terror Is Our Business: Dana Roberts' Casebook of Horrors by Joe R. Lansdale & Kasey Lansdale

Terror Is Our Business: Dana Roberts' Casebook of Horrors by Joe R. Lansdale & Kasey Lansdale

Author:Joe R. Lansdale & Kasey Lansdale [Lansdale, Joe R.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: noir, detective, monsters, creepy, dark, ghost, horror, Fiction
Publisher: Cutting Block Books
Published: 2018-07-31T05:00:00+00:00

The Case of the Bleeding Wall

by Joe R. Lansdale and Kasey Lansdale

After an odd personal experience, I started reading about what I called weird stuff, and the person I found that claimed to actually investigate and experience weird stuff, was Dana Roberts. I had a friend that belonged to this club she spoke at now and then. It used to be one of those all male clubs, all cigar smoke and testosterone, but in recent years they had let the times catch up, and women were invited to attend. Still, you had to know someone, and I did, and the one I knew I once dated. It hadn’t worked out, but we were still friends. I had a coffee with him now and then so we could tell each other the disasters that were our lives, at least as far as romantic involvement went.

Actually, I wasn’t doing poorly except in the relationship department. I had a little money, some from a recent inheritance, so I wasn’t hurting, but not exactly feeling like I was living, and it wasn’t the kind of inheritance that was going to see me comfortably into my old age, though it might brighten my cupboards with canned beans for the next few years.

There had been this whole weird as hell incident that had led me to Dana, but that’s another story. Like Dana, I wrote it down. I figured since she made money from sharing her true adventures, well, two could play at that game. Except I didn’t sell my story. No one cared. And no one believed it. Why would they? It was seriously weird. Again, off the subject.

This friend I used to date, Tom, knew about my weird story from a recent conversation. He thought it was bullshit. That maybe I had been drinking and hallucinated the whole thing, which I hadn’t. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in strange things, he just didn’t believe me. He did however, believe some lady who frequently spoke at this club he belonged to, and somehow he found her more convincing than me, and invited me to attend with him. I think he figured I was in need of something interesting, and my story was an attempt to liven up my life. I don’t know, I thought I sounded pretty convincing since it really happened. Of course, the lady speaker was Dana Roberts.

Dana was a favorite speaker at the club, and she came frequently to tell of her adventures, which I would call weird, but she called them supernormal. She saw them as things we were yet to understand, that were true.

Her view was, once lightning was thought to be supernatural, thunderbolts from the gods, or some such, but now we understood and had scientific reasons for why it happened, how it existed. Me, I don’t really care. It boils back down to what I said before. It’s weird stuff. Once you find out the world as you see it is a lie, you start to think and see things differently.


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